Surveillance is the part of detective services used for find out the individual or group activities. It may also be taken at corporate level to monitor the activity of the employees, competitors, running trade union etc. Surveillance is the backbone of all detective investigations. Detective Surveillance frequently used to get the daily activity of a person or a team, to enhance the tackling skills or grab the information of the individual or the organization.
Surveillance can be done in two ways manually and electronically. Now a day’s electronic surveillance more preferred because of its accuracy fastness and cost effective features. However, sometimes both are used simultaneously to get the perfect result.
Undercover Investigation
Undercover operations are performed for monitoring the activities of friends, family, beloved, kids, employees, competitors etc. Undercover agents required on both individual and corporate level. It includes personal assignment as well as corporate assignment to get the required information about the person or a group. Undercover agents are placed as housemaid, servant, driver, secretary, and employee etc. to perform operation with full secrecy, confidentiality and accuracy. The Bright Detective undercover agents usually use the latest technology for achieving the goals of collecting secret information about an employee, your loved ones, competitors, or any group. Our Undercover detective investigator and there services are placed frequently for monitoring the business activities and personal activities too.
Personal Security Officer
Personal Security Officers are always ready to save you from strangers, crowd and unforeseen dangers or attacks. Our first motto is to protect you and your loved one from the hidden attacks. The Bright Personal Security Officers are well trained with the excellent skills of preventing their masters from unseen dangers. Security Services are providing to the individuals according to their requirements like armed or unarmed and male or female officer. We have excellent team to plan your security patterns that can be placed as undercover agents or open field officers to make the protective shield for you or individual.

Talk To Us-Free Consultancy
Please give us a call or send an email if you would like to contact with us. Bright detectives offering free consultancy services with our highly expereinced Investigators.
Contact us at or call 011-65291500.
Our Quality - Secret, Fast & Quite Confidential Investigation.